A practice journal of creative experience and aging

Age and Creation is an open-source interdisciplinary practice journal centred on utility. Our intent is to provide practical information and ready-to-use resources useful to a wide range of readers who are engaged in the promotion of older adult wellness, especially those using artistic practice, technology, or a combination of the two as tools in support of healthy, successful, and happy aging.

Founded in 2023 with the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, Age and Creation‘s inception was part of the knowledge mobilization activities of a five year project under the Council’s Digital Strategy Fund called direct[message]: Access to Engagement for the Aging Community.

Centre[3] for Artistic + Social Practice, the direct[message] project lead and publisher of this journal, envisions Age and Creation as a communal space where a wide range of other community-located, arts-based, and seniors-led projects can share their successes and challenges in forms immediately useful to other in-community artists and practitioners.


Centre[3] for Artistic + Social Practice
173 James Street North
Hamilton ONĀ  L8R 2K9 (Canada)
905-524-5084 | seniorsartlink@centre3.com | centre3.com


Published quarterly. Web only.

Subscribe to publication notifications by email or using an RSS reader to receive timely notification of new issues.

Editorial staff

Colina Maxwell, Editor-in-chief
Simon Lebrun, Managing editor
Hannah Gillett, Research coordinator

Granting Institutions

We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts.

Logo of Canada Council for the Arts

We acknowledge the support of the New Horizons for Seniors Project, a program of the Government of Canada.

Funded by the Government of Canada


The first issues of Age and Creation would not have been possible without the work of many dedicated people. Special thanks to:

Suad Badri, Kusum Bhatta, David Bobier, Alex Borghesan, Angela Busse, Nadine Changfoot, TJ Charlton, Rana El Kadi, Michele Fisher, Arturo Jimenez, Becky Katz, Tara La Rose, Carmela Laganse, Christina Luzius-Vanin, Judy Major Girardin, Katherine Matthews, Jami McFarland, Melissa Murray-Mutch, Sheila O’Reilly, Cathy Paton, Walter Penado-Vasquez, Maggie Perquin, Carla Rice, Jim Ruxton, Julie Shea, Kathy Smith, and Sarah Sproule.


For questions about the editorial process (including the status of manuscripts under review) or for technical support on submissions, please contact seniorsartlink@centre3.com.

Submission to this journal proceeds online and our team will be happy to guide you through the creation and uploading of your files for consideration and review.